vendredi, octobre 19

Low point

Waited for my class today and they didn't show up...met the teacher in the hallway and she said she forgot to tell me that they're in Morocco. I was assured that this was an exceptional case, just like last week was when they had a 4 hour economics exam. Walking home an old man shouted some gross 'compliment' at me. I hate to say it, but this whole not having class thing and being harassed/followed by creepy men is an all too regular occurrence here. I miss home.

1 commentaire:

LB a dit…

En France ce n'est pas regler comme chez nous. Quand j'etais etudiant on devrait commencer le 15 Octobre et nous a renvoyer en disant 'semaine prochaine' chaque semaine jusqu'a fin de Novembre.

Excusez mon francais.