mercredi, août 1

A dream finally realized

I was going to write about my wonderful experience with eggplant (my new found appreciation for this oft neglected friend of mine), the success of my orange yogurt bundt cake & the numerous fruit tarts I've been baking, and/or my new found appreciation for fresh basil and a type of pesto I like to call pesto rustique, however, all of these seem like petty matters in comparison with a larger more earth-shattering event which happened today. (Ps. that is the longest sentence I've ever written.) Today, someone put a post up about me on the 'Missed Connections' section of Craigslist. Words fail me. I suppose by saying this I have just outed myself about being shamelessly addicted to reading Missed Connections...the posts people leave are hilarious. ( & sometimes I wish someone would leave one for me.) It just seems so silly and romantic and hopeless all at once. You pity these people because it seems as if this is their last chance/only hope...but you also sympathize with them because sometimes you too feel a connection/affinity for someone you don't know and probably never will. Le sigh. Hope all is well at home with you dear readers and friends. I'm sure someone out there considers you to be a lost connection. The only difference between you and me is that someone cared enough to post about me on the internet. Ha.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

c'est chouette, mais qu'est ce que t'as fait?

La Fille en Rose a dit…

qu'est-ce que j'ai fait...tu veux dire pourquoi est-ce que quelqu'un a parle de moi sur craigslist?

Anonyme a dit…

Non, je voudrais savoir comment t'as repndu a cette personne! Tu peux envoyer un email si ca t'interesse, ca serait une aventure!

La Fille en Rose a dit…

Même si ceux qu'il a dit était gentil j'ai decidé que je non veux pas repondre à cette personne. Tant-pis pour lui! (Ou peut-être, moi?)